CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet, HTML and CSS basically go hand in hand whenever it comes to modern websites. Where HTML allows a website to display basic data and information in a certain order, CSS allows a website to style that data and information. With CSS you can chose a certain font that all generic text on the website will use or what colour it will be. HTML alone would just be basic text displayed on a white background but CSS means that basic websites can look much more visually appealing.

CSS is split up into different sections and each section you add can change the way your website looks, For example:

body {

background: #f7f7f7;

color: #333333;

font-family: baskerville-urw, serif;


The above example is a basic example of CSS, the “body” being the background of the website, color of the text and the font of the text. The “background” and the “color” section both have six digit numbers that references a certain color that it will use on the website. The “font-family” is chosing what font the whole website will use as standard, in this case it is the baskerville font.

This is just one example, but doing enough of these CSS sections means that you could potentially hand craft every aspect of your website.