HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, it is a language used to make sure that the relevant information is displayed on a website in the correct order. Webbrowsers can use HTML files to make sure that paragraphs are segmented and in the right order as well as add images to certain sections of a website.

We have been learning how to take a piece of text or an essay and translate it into HTML in order to display it on a website. For example if we take a certain pragraph, you can use certain ques and tags that are placed at the beginning and end of the paragraph.


The tags above mean that everything in the middle of those tags is a paragraph, you can then do this to multiple paragraphs and from there, determine what you want each paragraph to do. You can also chose what is a header or a title by using certain tags to determine this.


All these different tags allow a webbrowser to understand the information we are trying to display. These are obviously very simple examples of HTML.