Horror/Sci-Fi Screens

In this project we were tasked with taking a paragraph of text along with a header and match it to the theme it was centered around. The first paragraph “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” is held within a futuristic Sci-Fi setting, the second paragraph “Frankenstein by Mary Shelly” is centered around a fantasy/medieval theme.

Screenshot 2022-10-24 at 10.53.24.png

Screenshot 2022-10-24 at 10.53.16.png

I tried to match the typography of the text and the colour to the individual themes. For the Android paragraph I used a modern Sans-serif font with a blue gradient which helped to link it to its futuristic theme.

For the Frankenstein paragraph I used a much more old fashioned serif font, this is reminiscent of older typefaces that would’ve been used in books and texts of the time period that it is set in. I also made all the text for this paragraph black with a very subtle red accent in the title.

Second Horror/Sci-Fi Screens

This task was also similar tothe previous paragraph task. Instead of taking the paragraphs and focusing on adjusting the typography to relate to the theme, we took the paragraphs of text and inserted them into a screen.

With this task we were focusing more on the general layout and colour of the screen, using the adobe colour wheel I was able to chose colours that somewhat matched the theme but also helped make the text legible.

Screenshot 2022-10-24 at 12.43.06.png