Cropped Letter

The idea behind the Cropped Letter was to try and take a simple letter, in this instance the letter I used was the letter G. We then tried to show that with different visual layouts we can take that same letter and showcase it in different ways that will appear more interesting and visually appealing. You can achieve this by taking the letter and positioning it off centre from the screen or even upside down, while the human mind is still able to see the remnants and piece together that it was the letter G. It also forces the audience to see them as something else more interesting.

Screenshot 2022-10-10 at 11.01.31.png

This excercise was taught to help us think outside the box when it comes to our own designs that we will be creating over the years and the limits that we can push with the typography that we will use.

Changing a Letter

The idea behind this challenge was to take a letter and change it to become more than one letter or to visually represent something. In my case I used the letter F, I added extra shapes to the opposite side and the bottom of the F letter. This meant that you could look at this letter and still see the F but also potentially see a T.

Screenshot 2022-10-10 at 11.21.01.png

This challenge has helped me understand how logos and branding as simple as they could be, can have a great impact. It is the embodyment of trying to show more with less. This is a graphcs design priniple that has been used persistently for the last 50 years, graphics designers like Saul Bass used similar concepts to make minimilistic and effective work.